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Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Workshop – December 2021

18 Δεκεμβρίου 2021 @ 8:00 πμ - 4:30 μμ
Node Institute - In Hospital


Colorectal Laparoscopic Surgical Skills Workshop
With Cadaveric Dissection


Dear participants,
Welcome to the cadaveric dissection course on Colorectal laparoscopic Surgical Skills, organized by Ethicon.
This 1-day course includes tips and tricks sessions and Cadaveric Dissection hands-on training on Laparoscopic right colectomy, left colectomy and low anterior resection.
For each group of 3 participating surgeons, a trainer, a cadaveric model, an operating room and an O.R. nurse will be assigned.
Physicians who work together are encouraged to participate as a team.
We wish you a very instructive course!

Dr. Constantinos S. Mavrantonis
Program Director
Chairman, Founder NoDE Institute


Dr.Boltsis Nikolaos

HYGEIA Hospital, Athens


Dr. Lazaridis Panagiotis

HYGEIA Hospital, Athens


Dr. Mavrantonis Constantinos

HYGEIA Hospital, Athens


Dr.Panousopoulos Akis

HYGEIA Hospital, Athens


Dr.Panousis George

HYGEIA Hospital, Athens


Dr.Paradellis Doukakis

HYGEIA Hospital, Athens

Πρόγραμμα Σεμιναρίου

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κα Δ. Δουλαβέρη – Συντονίστρια Εκπαιδευτικού Προγράμματος
Tel:+30 694 081 5332


18 Δεκεμβρίου 2021
8:00 πμ - 4:30 μμ
Event Category:


Node Institute


Νοσοκομείο ΥΓΕΙΑ & Πειραματικό-Ερευνητικό Κέντρο ΕΛΠΕΝ