Uganda 2019

The NoDE institute organizes a yearly mission to Uganda of NoDE faculty doctors, nurses and other volunteers, to offer medical assistance and to proctor on site colleagues who do not have access to medical meetings and courses. It is scheduled for July 2020 and will consist of 2 groups of volunteers, relative to their area of expertise: a public health team and a medical team.

The 2019 Mission:

The Node Institute’s 2019 Uganda Humanitarian mission included 14 doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals. In the 11 days there,

– We operated on about 20 patients covering their expenses.
– Examined over 1000 patients in extremely remote villages, gave medication where needed and vaccinated,
– Gave lectures in these villages on public health topics
– Gave out the NoDE-book, a concise Health-Guide with infographics prepared by the NoDE Institute, to 620 families in these villages.
– Donated 1.3 tons of medical provisions at 3 hospitals, granted by our partners in the medical industry
– Co-hosted a 2 day course on basic laparoscopic skills organized by the outstanding medical staff from the Mulago Medical School and donated 80.000€ worth laparoscopic surgery consumables, which had generously been granted to the NoDE institute for this purpose

Uganda mission members:

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