2 events found.
TaTME Cadaveric Course for Surgery of the Rectum (09/24)
The Transanal total mesorectal excision – TaTME is currently, the most innovative surgical procedure for rectal cancer. Consequently, there is a continuously […]
Advanced Laparoscopic Cadaveric course in Gynae Oncology (09/24)
Ερευνητικό & Πειραματικό κέντρο ELPEN Λεωφ. Μαραθώνος 95, 190 09 Πικέρμι Αττικής, ΕλλάδαThe training program "Advanced laparoscopy in Gynae Oncology Cadaveric Course" was designed to train gynecologists in demanding laparoscopic surgeries with an emphasis […]